For the past 25 years Charlene on Green and others have been educating consumers to eat real butter, now TIME Magazine


and main stream media is finally catching the fat craze. "1980 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued its first dietary guidelines, and one of the primary directives was to avoid cholesterol and fat," WRONG.

USDA has been "urging Americans to eat less high-fat red meat, eggs and dairy and replace them with more calories from fruits, vegetables and especially carbohydrates." But now we discover the experiment failed - miserably.




Countdown to Bitcoin Block Party in Dallas: Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon